Imposter to ICON

Imposter to ICON

Imposter to ICON

Break free from limiting beliefs and uncover your iconic personal brand.

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Break free from limiting beliefs and uncover your iconic personal brand.

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Break free from limiting beliefs and uncover your iconic personal brand.

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In my opinion, if you're human... you should be working with Clint.

In my opinion, if you're human... you should be working with Clint.

Hayden Flohr


You versus YOU

You versus YOU

You versus YOU

Imposter syndrome, a scarcity mindset, and a lack of niche clarity in your business. It's time to address the deeper root cause: the unconscious—the 95% of your mind that holds the key to your true potential.

Here's the harsh truth -

  • Traditional branding is skin deep

  • 'Strategy' is often just a loose collection of tactics

  • Mindset stuff is what you get from self-help books

All fine on their own, but they just scratch the surface.

Hypnobranding is the only personal brand strategy system designed to help you conquer imposter syndrome, reprogram limiting beliefs, and build an iconic brand that allows you to monetize your mission and live your purpose at the highest level.

Hypnobranding is the key to unlocking your brand's potential because it's:

Hypno-branding is the key to unlocking your brand's potential because it's:

Hypnobranding is the key to unlocking your brand's potential because it's:



Addresses all aspects of your personal brand



Overcomes limiting beliefs for lasting change



Proven to help one-person businesses thrive

What's the secret recipe?

What's the secret recipe?

What's the secret recipe?

A combination of Brand Strategy, Hypnosis/NLP, Depth Psychology and a dash of Business Mentorship.

These elements work in harmony, integrating your mindset, brand strategy, and business acumen for a mind-blowing, transformative experience.

1. Reprogram your mindset to banish imposter thoughts and build unshakable self-belief


2. Craft an iconic Deep Brand with integrity and deep purpose


3. Unleash your disruptive voice through bold self-expression


4. Monetize your mission with an integrated Deep Brand strategy

My life has been forever changed. I wouldn't trade the new version of me (it was always there, just hidden) for anything.

My life has been forever changed. I wouldn't trade the new version of me (it was always there, just hidden) for anything.

My life has been forever changed. I wouldn't trade the new version of me (it was always there, just hidden) for anything.

Joe Konrad


Uncover your Deep Brand. Unlock your purpose and craft your legacy.

Uncover your Deep Brand. Unlock your purpose and craft your legacy.

Uncover your Deep Brand. Unlock your purpose and craft your legacy.

I'm Clint

I'm Clint

I'm Clint

I'm the strategic consulting hypnotist for mavericks who are ready to shatter your glass ceiling and step into the powerful force of your Deep Brand.

With 25+ years of strategic business leadership and 7 years as a certified consulting hypnotist, I understand the struggles of high-performers who wear many hats.

Together, we'll fuse ancient mind-rewiring techniques with modern branding & business strategy to help you show up as your true self and attract your perfect-fit clients.

I'm the consultant for mavericks who are ready to shatter your glass ceiling and step into the powerful force of your Deep Brand.

With 25+ years of strategic business leadership and 7 years as a certified consulting hypnotist, I understand the struggles of high-performers who wear many hats.

Together, we'll fuse ancient mind-rewiring techniques with modern branding & business strategy to help you show up as your true self and attract the right clients.

© Clint Nolan Consulting LLC 2024